suggestions please


i'm not having enough time to dedicate to my webpage so i can't sit down and program as i used to do... i don't know what to do... a friend recommended this site, he said they work with joomla but i haven't used this system before... have you?
did you ever runned out of time to dedicate to your site and went to someone like this?
what do you think i should do?
i really appreciate your answers

Real or ad for the site linked? Hard to say.

If genuine, then it depends. Those hourly rates look Ok but it will take a fair few billable hours to make a new site, so I guess it depends whether you have the cash.

Bear in mind Joomla if a free piece of software, so you should be only billed for the work installing and customising it, not for the software itself.

Myself for a basic site i prefer using the also free WordPress blogging platform as there are so many free themes and plugins, and its extremely easy to set up.
Myself for a basic site i prefer using the also free WordPress blogging platform as there are so many free themes and plugins, and its extremely easy to set up.

WordPress does come in handy many times, I use it myself. Since the many plugins offer great expandability for pretty much everything you need and for free. So its a great solution. But not really for a professional site.

However you could buy a Content Management System (CMS). Its kind of like WordPress, but it offers so much more. There are many different options and different companies have different kinds, but they have always served me well since they can do so much.

For example, heres a powerful professional one, Liferay.