Syncing Mac Apps with PDA


Does anyone know of any good freeware to sync Mac apps such as ICal etc. with my Sony Clie? I just dug it up and installed the Palm desktop and while Palm desktop seems much improved in the few years I have spent not using my PDA, I would love to be able to sync my ICal and Mail account. Let me know if there are any good programs out there. Thanks
OK. Missing Sync works great, but I am having trouble getting Media onto my Clie with the "Send to Handheld" Application. I was just trying to drag and drop from IPhoto but the pictures don't seem to be viewable. Do I need a specific application on my Clie for these types of things? If so where the heck do I get Apps that aren't downloadable .exe files because it seems as if every add on is geared toward windows.

Drag and drop will transfer full size images, I think. In my case they would be 1.4MB each and around 2000 x 1500 pixels.

When I transferred some pics to a Palm, I used the "File menu/Export" function in iPhoto and scaled them to the size that the Palm could use.
The Palm comes with its own picture viewer application ready installed. I just loaded the pics and there they were! Palm is a Tungsten T5, about a year old.
The Palm is used by my wife! I just set up the Mac side. The main use is for business so she has Documents to Go installed which provides a means of syncing with Microsoft Office. This comes from DataViz. They have other stuff for Palm OS too:

We looked at tomtom sat nav, but bought a standalone TT unit instead.

And you can get software from Palm themselves:

That's about it! Everything else - ToDo, Calendar, memo, etc. was on the Palm when it came.

Palm software has a .prc suffix. You could try a google for that?