Syncing with .mac does not work

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Although isync 2.0 seems a vast improvement on 1.5 (my nokia 6600 finally syncs calendar info!), I'm having problems with Tiger syncing my computer info with my .mac account. Bizarrely, and for no reason at all, you do not use isync to sync across computers using .mac, but you use the .mac preferences. However, despite my resetting my .mac data on the advanced tab of .mac preferences, my .mac account resolutely refuses to show any of the new addresses, calendar items, bookmarks etc that I have added over the past 24 hours. In fact, despite refreshing on safari, restarting, logging in, logging out, my .mac account thinks it was last synced on the 27th April, some 3 days ago, which is nonsense, as I automatically sync every hour. This is a wretched pain, as we have three macs here, and having them automatically updating calendar and contact info is a Godsend. Anyone have any ideas? (Naturally, on the weekend Apple launches a major new product, its customer support line is closed.)
My apologies. Here's a how-to-fix-it article on the mac discussion page. It's all rather time-consuming, but it seems to work. If you're syncing across lots of computers, make sure that your main machine (prob the one with tiger) has all your up to date info. After you've done all what's suggested below and you come to resyncing your secondary machines, then i'd recommend wiping their sync info on the resync and starting them over. It worked with me.

In order to update ical on .mac, empty safari's cache, and then hit refresh all under 'Calendar' in ical.
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