System error on startup- Norton Utilities


iMac 333 With Thread assistance yesterday 2/23/06 I did manage to exchange System 8.6 for System 9.0 and then System 9.0 for System 9.2.1. When I restart I get the "bomb" with the message -
Sorry, a system error occured "Norton File Saver Extension" error type 119 -
and a Restart box. Selecting Restart brings me back to the error message.
Any solution? Thanks
Hold down the space bar after you hear the Macintosh startup chime. This will bring up the Extensions Manager right after the Welcome screen and before it loads any extensions and control panels into memory.

Once the list shows up, scroll down until you see that particular extension and uncheck it. Once it's unchecked, just close out of the window and it should load all of the other extensions minus the offending on. If by chance you get the same error with another extension or control panel, repeat the same process for that particular extension/control panel.

Good luck!