system-hang hangs after lost connection



i'm sure this has come-up thousands of time, but strangly i can't find any topics on it here.
probably it's the raging anger and blood in my eyes that makes my perception blurry.. :)

i just need to get it off my chest!

i'm sure everyone knows this situation:
you loose a conection with another mac, with the result that the finder hangs.
finder? no the whole system!

for minutes!

why on earth does apple claim to build the most advanced OS in the world, and still doesn't manage to come=up with a solution for this issue?

it's as if one lousy sochet just blocks the whole kernel.
even the software i'm working on which renders in a thread triggered by the gpu doesn't move an inch anymore...

i guess i'll have to completely ignore apple filesharing, and stich to ssh (which also doesn't work once the system hangs..)

anyone better news?


I don't think this is just a problem with your computer. I have the same issue. To be honest, I'm not a fan of filesharing on a mac; I think windows has that down pat.

I like how windows checks at the computer start up to see if it can connect, but if it can't then all you need to do is double click on the drive in my computer and it will reconnect if possible. I hate how in a mac, you need to connect to the drive every time your restart your computer or put it to sleep. I hope Apple has plans to fix this problem in the new OSX and hopefully they take a page out of microsofts book on this one.
I don't think this is just a problem with your computer. I have the same issue. To be honest, I'm not a fan of filesharing on a mac; I think windows has that down pat.

I like how windows checks at the computer start up to see if it can connect, but if it can't then all you need to do is double click on the drive in my computer and it will reconnect if possible. I hate how in a mac, you need to connect to the drive every time your restart your computer or put it to sleep. I hope Apple has plans to fix this problem in the new OSX and hopefully they take a page out of microsofts book on this one.

The MAC tries to find the SERVER which connection has lost and regretfully system operation more or less is suspended. Ofcourse in a stable network this will not happen at all, but when the network is less stable it might happen. In general MAC networks are quite stable, thus the problem does not occur to often, where PC networks are inherit more unstable so MS had to action to handle it as a standard operating practice.

The more important question is why it loses connection to the other MAC as normally (when e.g. the other MAC is shutdown) the client would receive notice of the other system going down.

So better to find out why the connection is lost and solve that problem.

Good luck, Kees
Kees Buijs,
Do you know if Apple has plans on making it easier to connect to network drives? I find it to be the most annoying thing about Mac OSX because it takes quite a few steps just to connect and because I have a notebook, I have to do it everytime I take it out of suspend mode.

For desktops it's not so bad because as long as you let them turn themselves off they don't disconnect, but laptops are always disconnecting and then if you bring it someone with you outside of your network it then freezes.

Is there a way I could make an apple script to connect to the network drive?