t68i isync time sync problem


official breaker of macs.
my t68i displays the right time and the right time zone, and is under 1h summer daylight savings time as it should be (all of this is set on 'auto detect' anyway). my mac displays the right time and time zone as well...

why is it that my entries in ical sync one hour late on my phone? it's pretty obnoxious... any ideas?
I'm having the same problem with my T610. The right time set on both phones. Only its displayed 1 hour too early in my organizer ont the phone. This is really odd.
Ok I solved my problem. I deleted my calendar on the phone, the deleted the phone out of isync and my bluetooth-devices. checked all times were set right on both computer and phone, synced again and now they are ok. Seems that setting the right timezone/summertime after the first sync made it go wrong.
Be sure to check the "Alarm me when any mods madde to my machine" in isync or it might screw up your whole data!