Taking full advantage of this monitor


has a mac beyond repair
As I said, I bought a 17" Apple Studio Display for insanely cheap. It has an ADC connector, and is the next best monitor out there aside from the new Apple Cinema Display LCDs.

Now I want to take advantage of it! Any reccomendations? Color is something Im really looking into...Games? I'd love to know! Thanks! :)
Halo looks awesome on an Apple flatscreen, as does Call of Duty (if it's for Mac).

Iggle: ask a mod.
hmm...interested in color...do you mean bright color or accurate color? I use a 17" Apple LCD at work, and I love it; but I only use it as second fiddle to my main monitor of choice, a 23" Sony Artisan. I use the Apple 17" for web pages and tool palettes in apps. I wouldn't ever trust it for accurate color, as that's not what it does well. Even the Cinema Displays are a mess to calibrate, and you'd have to throw a whole bundle of money down the well before you realize that you should've bought the Artisan if you're interested in accurate color.