Talking Point (4/12): Will Apple Advertise Tiger?


Staff member
Do you believe that Apple will ramp up it's advertising of Mac OS X Tiger and associated product releases in a large commercial media blitz, on level with that of the iPod? Could the fact Apple has been holding and and based on rumors, appears to be going to release new iMacs, PowerMacs and potentially other items, all within a few weeks of each other?

Could a massive marking spree be forth coming? Would it not hurt Apple to promote the Mac more?
Apple? Promote the Mac? ......Can they do that?

Honestly, I just don't see it happening. I wish they would, of course, but...I've wished that for like 10 years.

Frankly, I think they missed their best chance. Last year, there was a new virus plaguing Windows users in the news every other week, and that was a huge concern among users. At this point the general public seems to have simply accepted it. It shocks me how casual some people are about having spyware all over their machine. They think it's just part of life. And I just wonder, "how the hell can your machine contract spyware just by visiting a web site, anyway?" The concept is completely foreign to me. Apple could have capitalized on the virus/spyware buzz, but I think the time has passed.

So, no, I don't think they'll advertise Tiger. Maybe we'll see a few hardware commercials, if they release anything really, really NEW, but I wouldn't bet on anything more.
I think they will. How big and how successful the campaign will be is another story.

The most significant thing that sets Apple apart is it's OS (plus iLife) - once they have one with revolutionary searching abilities, multi-party videoconferencing, expose, etc, etc. (as well as being virus/spyware free) they'll be light years ahead. That's something that can really be marketed.

If they match this with a few significant hardware upgrades it'll become very interesting.


P.S. The hardware upgrades I'd like to see (but probably won't :rolleyes:) include:

  • A more portable Powerbook (around 10")
  • A 23" G5 iMac
  • Dual 3+ GHz PowerMac
  • Upgraded Mac mini
  • Multi-button mouse ;)
Apple hasn't done that in the past - and probably isn't going to now. Problem is: Ads about Mac OS X upgrades basically only target the existing user-base, since PC-heads can't even install the thing. ;) ... So: They'd have to do "generic Mac ads" that advertise Tiger's features along with the hardware. And there the question is what to show exactly. Maybe it would make sense to take the Mac mini and the PowerMac G5 (to show the cheap entry point as well as the real power), but that would leave the notebooks out, which are "switchermobiles" in my opinion.

But like Mikuro said: Apple hasn't advertised for the Mac in recent years... It would be time...
They need to advertise more. At least, try to cash in on the supposed 'halo' effect.
Well: That "halo effect" would mean that it's already working. You can't really "cash in" on it more than producing the Mac mini. People _know_ Apple also makes computers. The problem is that the step to move from Windows to Mac OS X is much bigger than buying an iPod. It definitely costs more, if you count what you really need. For example, a guy with a healthily good PC probably won't live with a mini, he'd need a PowerMac in order to ditch the PC. And he probably is used to using office, which often comes in some form with a PC. On the Mac you buy the full license, which is another price tag... I'm just saying: You can't just ask iPod buyers if they "want a PowerMac with that".

I think, though, many people out there still don't know that there are no viri on the Mac. There are still people who, in some weird way, think they're better off with Windows. Sick. But true.