tar and permission problem


As I have a powerbook that I have to change HD in I want to move all the information via ethernet to my stationary G3 for backup.

Carbon Copy Cloner or similar do not work over a network so now I'm trying to pack everything as a tar file and after I hope that all the permissions etc will be ok??

When i run my:

sudo -s

cd ~/Desktop

tar -cfp backup.tar "/Volumes/Macintosh HD2"

I still get alot of "Permission denied" in some files when packing :(

Is there a application like Carbon CL that can do this over a network or a fix for above problem?

Looking forward to you promt reply!! :D
I don't know about another program that will do this, but you really don't want to use tar - it doesn't save resource forks. That means you would lose any icons you pasted onto any files/folders, and if you had any classic apps around, those would be messed up. A few Carbon apps still use resource forks as well (though not many).
Back to your original question, wouldn't the problem be that you don't have read permission on the files in question? Try running as root with 'sudo' eg. 'sudo tar cvf ...'.


Brooke :p
You might want to consider 'pax'. It is also command line and handles multiple formats: cpio, bcpio, sv4cpio, sv4crc, tar, ustar. I would recommend 'cpio'. It is a couple of years younger than tar (i think) and might solve the popular 'resource fork' problem.

Your command would look like this:
> pax -xcpio -w ./ -pe > ~/Desktop/backup.archive

It might work better than tar. I've used it once or twice a while ago. So, I do not have too much experience with it. I just wanted to let you know. :)
Neither cpio or tar support resource forks. There are a number of apps out there that do, some are free, some shareware, some commerical. Do a search on Version Tracker to see what's out there now. Also, there have been many threads on this subject before, search thru the archives of the forums here.

Hmm! I must be bad at research I did not find anything I could use =(

But then I'm not an UNIX kind of guy. Could I please have some clue what to include in my search???