Target Stores have Mac Software


I about passed out. I was in Target today and they are in the process of changing from Target Greatland to Super Target, anyways, i was in the computer area and noticed a software box with an iMac on the cover. I took a closer look and they had a whole Mac section with approx 30 different titles to choose from. Games, printshop stuff, etc. How cool!


I work at Target :)

We don't have a Mac section yet and I am really really surprised to hear that yours does. Ours isn't a Super Target (yet).

I really hate working there but I have to pay for tuition somehow. I enjoy hiding the WinXP boxes but don't tell anyone, I could get fired :P I also tell people that Xbox is only surviving because Microsoft is throwing money at it. It's mostly true but another thing that I would get in trouble for saying :)
Ahh there it is our own Mac insider... providing mis-information for those PC users.... Way to go Koelling! :)

A friend of mine worked at Target, in fact he was up to manage his own store... for a while there, I don't know what ever happend to that.

Anyway, I like the stores and I'm happy to see Mac Software anywhere!