TCP/IP settings


This should be an easy one: is there a terminal command you can send that will return the current TCP/IP settings (e.g., IP address, gateway, subnet mask, DNS server addresses?). Windows uses "ipconfig"; I'm assuming there's a Unix equivalent under OS X.
Viro said:

What are the parms? If I type in "ipconfig", I just get a complaint that I haven't added any arguments. What arguments would I use to return IP address, gateway, mask, and DNS servers?

I believe you can get all the interfaces if you do an "ifconfig -a".

As for the DNS, if you are set for DHCP you might want to try and view the "resolv.conf" file in /etc. We have our machines with everything (IP, gateway, DNS) accessed through DHCP, and the DNS entries are shown in that file. I also believe that the DNS settings wil show in the Network Control Panel under System Preferences if you want to avoid the shell.
My machines are set up with static IP address. I tried 'ifconfig -a', but didn't find any info regarding where DNS is coming from. DNS entries will definitely show up in the Network Preference panel, but I specifically wanted to get them from the command line.
Well, I never actually said that the DNS entries would show from ifconfig. I just stated that ifconfig -a will show you all your interfaces and their IP addresses as well as subnet mask and other information.

For the DNS entries, they're in the file I mentioned called "resolv.conf" which is usually located in /etc. Open up Terminal and do a "cd /etc" and you should see it after you do an "ls". open that file up in vi or pico and you'll see the entries
usage: ifconfig [-L] interface address_family [address [dest_address]]
ifconfig interface create
ifconfig -a [-L] [-d] [-m] [-u] [address_family]
ifconfig -l [-d] [-u] [address_family]
ifconfig [-L] [-d] [-m] [-u]