Televised Lecture on Mac, OS X and Unix


The University of Washington Television site has an interesting lecture on the origins of OS X and general Mac history given by Bud Tribble of Apple. It's slightly out of date (2003) and deals with Jaguar rather than Panther but I found it very interesting and thought I would pass it on to anyone who may not be aware of it. It's about an hour long. You can view it


From the introduction:
Bud Tribble will cover its interesting evolution and its place in the current line-up of mass market operating systems. Topics include: the miracle (and challenges) of actually providing ease of use on top of BSD, the interaction of Mac OS X with the open-source software community (Darwin) and recent developments in Mac OS X (Rendezvous networking, Safari browser, X Window Server support, OpenGL, Java tools).

P.S. Apologies if this is not the correct forum for the post but the lecture covers so many aspects of using a Mac that it did not seem to fit into any other forum other than this one for discussion. Enjoy.
That looks nice, but that site looks like it's overloaded. Might check it again in a few days time.