Temperatures in the northeast

Global Warming is:

  • Caused purely by humans

  • A naturally occuring cyclical event (Like an ice age in reverse)

  • Caused by a combination of human and natural factors

  • Caused by other means (that you will of course specify)

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Ministry of Re-Education
We must be heading into another ice age around here. I'm still wearing my fleece jacket in June. This is rediculous. [pure sarcasm]Go buy SUV's and drive them a lot. We need global warming up here.[/pure sarcasm]
37C (sorry, don't know degree combo on Windows) is body temperature, so... wow, Toast, it must be like Modesto in summer there!

Habilis: A) Why did you change your avatar? B) I'd rather not have global warming so I don't melt and boil away in the summer. And SUV's have more problems than just the amount of pollution they put out, like being too damn big to see around.
Originally posted by arden
Habilis: A) Why did you change your avatar?
I know isn't it so bizarre? I almost can't recognize my own posts and I'm lookin over to see who wrote this crap. I feel unexpectedly detached and adrift without my old avatar. It was so.. habilis.

Anyway, I changed it because of I was gettin the 7 month itch. Also I was disgruntled because 'the man' won't let me express myself graphically in my signature.

I'll probably change it back.
Yea, the climate is definitely changing. The last years, the average max. temp every day in summer has been 3-5°C higher than normal, and winters are colder than ever. It's also a lot dryer here in north, and more rain in south of Europe. Well I like its effect here, but it's obviously the cause of many floods, landslides and hurricanes the last years...
Originally posted by habilis
The Celsius Scale is so Passé. Farenheit is where it's at!

Oh, I thought you Americans were boicotting everything with European names these days? :D

okay, maybe we should start measuring temperature in Kelvin instead :p
It has been around 300°K :)confused:) here the last days, which is abnormal for this part of the world.
Let's not go into Kelvins, as I've lost my old scientific calculater I'd need to know how cold or hot that'd be. :p
my fav summer temperature is 43 °c or 112 °f ... my hi-score fever was less than that, only 41,6 ° c / 107 °f ...

i wish it was summer here. 10 pm, it's 59 °f out.. :(
Remember, the Kelvin scale is a measure of absolute temperature, so it is not taken in degrees. So freezing is 273 K and boiling is 373 K, equivalent to 0° C and 100° C, respectively.

If you really want to get PC (like Bill Maher isn't), use Centigrade. It's the same as Celsius but with a different, nondenominational name.
Originally posted by Darkshadow
15° C is the perfect temp, Gia. :p

I like cold weather, I really hate summer...

What? Move to Svalbard! A Norwegian/Russian island 78° North. It's maximum 15° there in summer, and the winter temperature is actually higher than in Northern parts of Norway :D
Taxes are low, wages high, and in a year or two, everyone living there (at least in the Longyear Town) will get free fiber-optic broadband connections! The major drawback is not having daylight in winter, so I wouldn't survive up there. You get everything back in summer, though :p
Ah...six months with no sun. Would be nice. ;)

I'm a big night person.

'Course, then six months of daylight would prolly kill me. :D
I like a good cool climate, not too cold and not too hot. That's partly why I'm going to go to CSU Monterey Bay after I finish junior college the next 2 years. I'd probably like it in Svalbard, except that it's not the United States and the temperatures too low even for me, plus the 6 month intervals of day & night.
0.00K here,
don't worry i'm fine, dunno how, but it's just my dog that's frozen! Not just frozen, kinda wierd! Got to see it yourself!