terminal keeps opening script


Hi, I am having a huge headache. I just wrote a pretty simple script to open a finder window in a specified date folder and I executed it and then...

every time I open terminal it runs this script! its a huge pain and i cannot figure out how to get rid of it. For now, I changed the script to just do 'bash' but its still bugging me.

any help would be greatly appreciated!
Check your ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.Terminal.plist file for an ExecutionString and it may well contain the name of your script. Remove it and you should be set. You can issue the command "open ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.Terminal.plist" in the terminal to open the preferences file in the Property Editor.
Don't know why I'm afraid, unless you changed some Terminal preferences and saved them after executing the script...? When I get home I'll try it out on my powerbook, I'm curious now to see why it happens....
i just tried it again and it works fine now, im not sure what i did. possibly, but highly unlikey, it was the 'exit 0' at the end. i just changed it to 'exit'. thanks again for the help