TEXINPUTS environment


Hi All,

I am trying to use pstriks to draw electronic circuits as there are some really good circuit diagram drawing macros out there. The problem I am facing being a novice to mac is that the installation of the required library in the TEXINPUTS environment.

In my mac all text related libraries are in /sw/shared/texmf/...

I copied all the files in to this directories and the subdirectories as needed, but when I try to run

pdflatex myMain.tex

I get
! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> \ellipse
l.5 \put(0.375,0){\ellipse{0.75}{0.5}}

I have tried the myfile.pic with groff (pic myfile.pic | groff > myfile.ps) and I get a perfectly working .ps file.

FYI all I have in myfile.pic is
ellipse "ellipse"

and I do

dpic myfile.pic > myfile.tex

then use myfile.tex as as input in myMain.tex file (\input myfile)

I hope I have given enough info with out an overload.

I really appreciate any help guys.

Many thanks,
