Text appears in Greek alphabet (symbol?)


In certain readme files, certain websites, certain other forms and documents (not often, but enough to be a nuisance), the text appears to be using a greek or symbol font. all the text appears in greek characters.

If the text is selectable, I can cut and paste it into a text reader and it is suddenly english again.

For instance, I just opened the ReadMe First document from the LaCie hard drive storage utilities CD. It was this gibberish. I was able to selec the text, cut and paste it into BBEdit and it because instantly readable. (default text in BBEdit was Geneva)

I am running Suitcase Fusion.

So, what font are these various documents seeing that I should shut down in Suitcase to avoid this nuisance?
The display problems that you are seeing is likely due to the fact that the document is requesting a unicode font, and you have a font of the same name active that is non-unicode.

The most current version of Suitcase Fusion includes a technology called Font Sense. This is a high end font-matching technology that saves specific font metrics to your documents and then when these documents are opened, the exact font can be automatically activated.

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Jim Kidwell
Technical Product Specialist
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