TextEdit w/ HTML, weird!


Sorry, i know this is in the wrong place, but for some reason i cant post a thing in the "how-to's and FAQ's".

in mac os 9, simpletext created beautiful html docs and all i had to do was open them under the browser to view the result. but with textedit, it comes out all funky and adds a bunch of weird stuff (////font////hahahahkdfjalksjdfkldjas///) stuff. you get the idea. so how can i create a .htm doc under textedit and have it look like the exact code i entered? thanks!
Make sure you convert it to plain text first. By default, it always saves the file as Rich Text, which is not what you want for HTML. The setting is under one of the menus.
Also you should think about calling your files .html instead of .htm. .htm is a Microsoft extension. .html is what it should be. :)

And yes, convert to plain text.
If you don't have the cash for BBEdit, I recommend using mi instead of BBEdit Lite. It's just as free and, in my opinion, better. More powerful at least, and it's got a HTML mode built-in with syntax coloring and a lot more handy stuff. But hardly anyone knows about it. I'm just tryin' to spread the love.

-the valrus

Now you're the only one here who can tell me if it's true / That you love mi, and I love mi
--They Might Be Giants, "Kiss Me, Son Of God" (sort of)