

Morning all,

In a terminal how do I bring up a texteditor like emacs up on a different window without bringing up another terminal?

Where do I keep my aliases for the shell permanent?
Ex: alias ll 'ls -la'

Thanks! :)
Can you explain your first question? Unless you mean a GUI version of emacs, how are you thinking of bringing emacs up in another window that's not a terminal?

For your second question, put it in ~/.tcshrc. That is, if you are indeed using tcsh.

Carbon emacs is if I remember right 140-180 MB (the program!). Reviews of it.

You have basic emacs in the OS X. I just tried - it opens emacs in the same terminal window. Just type emacs
Well the DMG is 33 MB and I don't know what that includes. My local emacs is 4.3 MB and is essentially the same thing as this one is only 280K larger than the terminal version which comes with OSX. It uses the same elisp directory as the default install so that is really all that one needs. My point is that is is not 140MB and it really need not be 33MB although that is most likely the most convenient way to bundle it up for easy distribution.

Although I am downloading this one as I type to see if the AucTeX integration is that good. I have been flipping back to XEmacs for all of my LaTeX work as I have been too lazy to install it myself ;)

I installed once that Carbon Enchanced Emacs. The download is 33 MB, and the application is at least those 140 MB. That is a bit heavy as only a text editor imho. I tried it, didn't fall in love so back to vi / emacs / BBedit.
Try though, it's free. :)
Ouch I looked at it and you are right it really is that big. Ouch. It is funny I have been updating it via CVS and building it myself for a while and never realized how big it has gotten. Thanks for pointing out my error ;)

As for it being just a text editor that is almost a blasphemy... Get thee to alt.religion.emacs for some "reeducation" ;)

C-x C-c
Kewl haz' ... :)

How about a poll by the way? (what alternatives for the best editor?? pico, vi, vim, emacs, BBedit, ..?) ;)
No. Some things are comparing apples to oranges. vim is pretty much available on all platforms. Same for emacs. BBedit is Mac-only. Pico is a small piece of crap for the beginner, really meant to be a simple email editor. :) Don't bother with a poll.

The only one that would make sense, actually, is what "UNIX" text editor you prefer. vi (or clone) or emacs. But there are others as well, like joe. People will get pissy about not mentioning the one they use, etc. Again, don't bother.
