

Suddenly I feel older, wiser, and a bit more responsible for my own actions. It's probably because I'm turning 16 this Sunday, but it could also be because I've noticed the death toll around me racking up slowly but surely. Ether way I want to say thank you Admin. And thank you to the team (moderators, volunters and all).

You guys have probably spent quite a bit of your time here to make things work here on the forums, and you've all created such an amazing community of Mac (and windows) users! Usually things like this don't work out too well, people try to start something but can never finish it. And you guys have surely started something which really looks like you'll finish. I'm sorry that there are those *rare casses where somebody feels like something needs to be changed, but we all need to remember that those mistakes are human. We aren't perfect and nothing we'll ever do will make us perfect. We just need to move on and forgive those among us who make mistakes. In most cases with communitys: everybody makes mistakes. Move on.

Again, I thank you for everything you guys have done. And I hope to see you all here, same place, same time.
Trip - it's a good point you've made about making mistakes. none of us would be who and what we are without a ton of them. the question is always "did you learn from that mistake?'

as a moderator i have sent private friendly warnings to many members of the site. some of them people i would consider friends - which is a very tough thing to do. almost all of these people have responded politely and have done as i asked. they have never come close to being a problem again. some of them i don't even bother reading all their posts because i have developed a trust for them based upon their performances after the warnings. they didn't mean to mess up. they just did. and once aware, they don't do it again.

but some people never learn. for whatever reason, there are always a handful that see any attempt at societal rules as an infringement upon their rights to be who they are. whether they learn it here or elsewhere, life will teach them that this just isn't the way social interaction works. like it or not, we all have to make compromises with our personal ideals. (which would make us always right and admired by everyone i'm sure :D )

so thanks for your thanks and for a few good points as well. :)
These types of comments make it easier to be a moderator, during this time.


And BTW, I am turning 16 on Saturday, so I'm a day older than you!

Happy Birthday!
Happy 16 Trip! Way to represent the younger end of the spectrum in a respectable and mature way!

There are few of us who can actually claim that we have are lives entirely within the "Age of Mac". :D