

Hi guys,

Well I have been doing allot of work recently in Photoshop and Image Ready, learning how to do image rollovers for instance.

3 weeks down the line I come out with

Adam Brown Design, a possible prototype for a design site much like Jason's site.

The site is here:

I took inspiration for this site from right in side this very forum, the very effective 'central' layout of : and the color's of a prototype that Dris had up a wile ago.

Please give me any feed back, just checking if it views correctly, i know there isn't any content, but I'm being though and checking that every part works right first.


One of the biggest ways is with a faster server. But yes, all of those will help as well. Try to use GIF's whenever possible, and make your JPEG's as low quality as you can without losing details. Use the 2-Up tab in Photoshop's Save For Web panel to optimize the look of your pics with their size.

I would also suggest you find a way to integrate your site into the rest of the page. The beauty of Jason's design is that it is predominantly white, as is the rest of the page surrounding it, and it centers with respect to the size of the browser window. The way you exported your Imageready picture, this is easy to do: simply center the master table. Then add a background color akin to the rightmost section.

Why did you decide to use tables instead of CSS alignment? Tables take much longer for a browser to parse, and they significantly increase the size of your code. And why did you split the picture up into so many (86) different pictures? Some of your slices are unnecessary, such as the title bar and the right section.

I also suggest using all lowercase tags when you export your code. This will assist in making your pages XHTML-compliant, even if it does nothing to the performance of your site. Try to make your site XHTML- and CSS- compliant, according to the validators on the W3C website.

Aside from that, good start! I will make more comments and suggestions as I come up with them.
i used tables becse i was not sure how to use iframes with css. i will try the things u suggested. thanks
I second writing the page with xhtml and css, and for most purposes hacking tables to organize your web site is a very bad way to write your web site. Tables are slow, hard to understand (if I want to read your source code to see how you did something, say), and incredibly in accessible. If someone who is deaf and needs to use a screen reader comes to your site it will be all chopped up and VERY hard for them to understand. Text-based browsers also choke on table based layouts, and display the page all garbled.
Here are some great resources for xhtml and css.
thanks very much guys.

Ive just got my gcse results so i will be celebrating for a few days now.

I will take your advice.
