In a world of rumors, espeically on the Mac scene... one thing is for certain, this new iMac to be announced Tuesday is probably going to be one of the first Apple products in recent history to not get "published" in some form or fashion prior to it's introduction.
Oddly enough, Apple... probably for financial and stock reasons, pull a odd-ball and announced when it was going to release an upcoming model and what type of processor it will be.
But the design itself, remains a mystery... despite floating photos of various so-call products. Could this be the introduction of the ultimate COOL from Apple? Maybe even a rabbit in the hat... flying in under the radar?
Let's see what Phil has in store for us.
Counting down the hours...
Oddly enough, Apple... probably for financial and stock reasons, pull a odd-ball and announced when it was going to release an upcoming model and what type of processor it will be.
But the design itself, remains a mystery... despite floating photos of various so-call products. Could this be the introduction of the ultimate COOL from Apple? Maybe even a rabbit in the hat... flying in under the radar?
Let's see what Phil has in store for us.
Counting down the hours...