How did you find the MWSF keynote ?

  • Very good indeed ! That was a really great keynote.

  • It was good. Some innovations are still missing.

  • Neither good or bad: 50% pro's, 50% con's.

  • I didn't enjoyed it much. Too much things are missing.

  • Very bad ! Some so important things were forgotten !

  • I don't know.

Results are only viewable after voting.
There was a lot of applause from the people in the audience. Overall I thought it was pretty good.
I thought that it was a pretty eventfull MacWorld. I guess I really just had my hopes up for the updated iTunes with rendevous support. Did anyone catch/know what the "hidden features" in iTunes 3 are that he mentioned?
"Hidden features" symbolized the code that makes iTunes an iLife application, ie. an iApplication like Address Book that you can 'use' a bit everywhere ;)

At the moment, 3 voters out of 4 said themselves satisified by the MWSF keynote. More than a third said themselves very satisfied. That's a very good score, as we are Mac geeks, understand: people who want more than the average user.
I'd be curious to know Apple's market share tomorrow morning.