The biggest surprise.


Most remote member
Since they released a major update to iTunes AND! the iPod, I'm really surprised they didn't include mp4 (ACC) support in them. The new features in iTunes are quite nice, but nothing really earth shattering. I thought including mp4 support would have been a must have for any new versions of iTunes

If they did have a iTunes/iPod combo with mp4, they would have had a huge advantage over the competition. The iPod is better than the other players, but the killer feature would be to support the next generation of music encoding that allows you to hold 50%-100% more songs and will improve the quality of the sound. Nothing else on the market could even be compared to the iPod if they'd done that.. but they didn't.. why :confused: :confused:
Hopefully they release it in August when the new iPods come out. I heard somewhere that in the Apple discussions, an iPod software updater will come out around then. Maybe it will include AAC audio support! :)
if apple keeps this rate up, we'll have a 40gig iPod in a year! is it just me, or is that way too much for an mp3 player?
IMHO the ipod is just the beginning.

I think apple has something big in the works with their ipod people say....all that storage space......all that untapped CPU power ....

I agree about AAC though. Perhaps its taking a long time to program that kind of decoding functionality into the hardware/firmware updates. Its a pretty big upgrade. I bet that if apple can do it, they will.
20GB is more than enough for me, but if it goes up to 40, it will only make more place to use as a backup disk...