The Coming War is Gonna Be Ugly Folks


Eyebrow Moderator
This war is going to take place in the print industry, between Apple, Quark and Adobe... its gonna be nasty and there might be some hurt comapanies in the end...

as we all know macs are standard in the print industy as well as quark...

apple has made news recently of no longer supporting OS9 and possibly making future computers only osx bootable

quark on the other hand has been infamous about taking their sweet time between versions and have just released QuarkXPress 5, but its not compatible with OSX, rumors have its Quark6 will be out and compatible with osx by january, but to me that seems unlikely, they have always delayed original rumors by at least a year and sometimes 2....

so whats the big deal? well the print and design industry are big mac supporters, they buy lots o computers and the what not from apple... meaning apple makes mucho money off of them.

quark basically has control of the print industry right now, adobe has been trying to break in in the page layout sections with indesign, which imo is a much better program. although its a better program its not being welcomed with open arms because of printing issues in some cases and the fact that it doesnt have some of the features that quark has with xtensions, but on the other hand, indesign is OSX compatible and therefor apple's good buddy in this "war" but so far from what ive seen, alot of designers love indesign, page layout/desktop publishers stick with quark because of xtensions and the printers, and the printers are sticking to it as well...

so its the case of two stubbern companies wanting to do or not do certain things, obviously apple wants to move forward and push its new OS, and have the past fall behind, where as quark doesnt seem to want to do anything because they control the print industry, and the print industry basically has to follow quark...

so is apple going to lose sales? or is quark's market going to be invaded by adobe with indesign? or is quark going to actually get on the ball and get a osx compatible version out, along with apple getting their print industry friendliness back on track (osx is a tad weak in the printer and scanner department right now)...

i have a feeling one of the two companies are going to get hurt financially...

my solution: apple still needs to support os9 booting in the future, that does allow quark to be as stubborn as they want, but they will come out with an osx version sometime, forcing issues is not going to be the way to go for either company, they have to take there time doing all this because it has to be done right, not rushed...

maybe ;)

whats everyone elses take?
Originally posted by BuddahBobb
This war is going to take place in the print industry,

whats everyone elses take?

Adobe is going to gain market share. Quark will never recover. It's not like they did not see this one coming...
indesign still needs major improvements from what ive heard from the print and desktop publishers...

i for one absolutely love it as a design program (im more of a designer than a desktop publisher although i am doing a 100+ page manual in indesign currently)

there are so many xtensions and other various flight check programs that the print industry uses as well that arent compatible with osx either.. i hope apple isnt shooting themselves in the foot trying to force the issue
I am a designer for a small graphics studio. 1 year ago we all got new 733's and at the moment we are all OS9/quark. We have hired some new employees so they will be getting hand-me-down G4s, while I am waiting for the new PM to come out for my machine. The plan is that I will dual boot OS9 and 10.2, trying to see how little time I can spend in 9, while also trying to use ID2/OSX whenever possible. If the new machine doesn't support native OS9 booting (i seriously doubt that) then that will throw a wrench in the whole process. We would probably end up buying a used PM instead - there is no way I can be without Quark 4.1 at this time.

I have actually started to see Indesign files recently, which is pretty exciting. I think the printing industry will be fine with Indesign - they are not moving towards Quark 5 at all, and the future is in PDF anwyays - not native files. I don't know anyone in the industry that doesn't want to see Indesign become the standard, but Quark has VERY deep roots.

The time I've spent in ID1.5 has been enjoyable, and I've been running OSX since 10.0 at home.

Alas, the ugly truth is that Illustrator 10 in X is a piece of bloated crap - I really hope that 10.2 helps with this, but there is zero comparison between that and 8.0 (even under classic)... Photoshop 7.0 is actually quite nice in OSX, and I haven't used ID2 under OSX. Also Suitcase for font management blows - I hope I can find a suitable replacement for ATM by the time I get my machine.

- Printing is actually quite nice under OSX. If your printer has a native driver, the "print center" spools Postscript very quickly - something OS9's desktop printing has always been poor at. (good riddance to the chooser)
About Apple: what a stupid idea. Just one more.
About Adobe: ID is great. A future standard, just wait RIPS understand PSD :)
About Quark: R.I.P. We'll still use Quark for a while, we all know it by heart.

[I had written a very long reply before something went wrong and the whole was erased. I'll be concise then :)]
Originally posted by My Arrows Aim
I am a designer for a small graphics studio. 1 year ago we all got new 733's and at the moment we are all OS9/quark. We have hired some new employees so they will be getting hand-me-down G4s, while I am waiting for the new PM to come out for my machine. The plan is that I will dual boot OS9 and 10.2, trying to see how little time I can spend in 9, while also trying to use ID2/OSX whenever possible. If the new machine doesn't support native OS9 booting (i seriously doubt that) then that will throw a wrench in the whole process. We would probably end up buying a used PM instead - there is no way I can be without Quark 4.1 at this time.

I have actually started to see Indesign files recently, which is pretty exciting. I think the printing industry will be fine with Indesign - they are not moving towards Quark 5 at all, and the future is in PDF anwyays - not native files. I don't know anyone in the industry that doesn't want to see Indesign become the standard, but Quark has VERY deep roots.

The time I've spent in ID1.5 has been enjoyable, and I've been running OSX since 10.0 at home.

Alas, the ugly truth is that Illustrator 10 in X is a piece of bloated crap - I really hope that 10.2 helps with this, but there is zero comparison between that and 8.0 (even under classic)... Photoshop 7.0 is actually quite nice in OSX, and I haven't used ID2 under OSX. Also Suitcase for font management blows - I hope I can find a suitable replacement for ATM by the time I get my machine.

- Printing is actually quite nice under OSX. If your printer has a native driver, the "print center" spools Postscript very quickly - something OS9's desktop printing has always been poor at. (good riddance to the chooser)

hate to quote a long post but.. whatever ;)

anyways currently i am running everything in osx... everything besides quark, so far i have liked photoshop and indesign's performance, but you are correct illustrator is a tad bloated, but luckily for me my specialty lies more towards photography instead of illustration ;)

most of the people i know personally i have gotten to use indesign exclusively now... every new file i make is indesign, so eventually i will get to the point where i will not have to use quark (unless i stop freelance and go work for a company).

i havent had the chance to print directly to a press since i am a freelance worker, so the printing issues i have had have been with my epson 1280 for photographic outputs and proofs, there arent many options at all, but thats epsons fault i believe

also i have noticed i cant use my scanner under osx, another epson fault i think... but ive heard that osx isnt twain supportive so i dunno.

pdf is definately the way of the future, i think its a great format... just the fact of the matter is quark is what most everyone uses or has used, and with that all the xtensions etc and i think alot of people are afraid to lose some of thos options (like say bookletizer or something).

i hope apple doesnt make this move because alot of people are going to have to stick with old machines for a while until the market either changes over to id or quark gets their asses in gear and makes a osx compatible program... but not just that, make vast improvements, because currently there is no comparo... id is better all around

*prays that if anything quark goes out of business, adobe takes over and all is good*
It's this kind of problem that means loads of people are still using OS 8 or 9 and haven't upgraded to X yet.

I come from a print/prepress background and the people I used to work with are still using OS 9 - basically on the theory that if it's not broke, don't fix it.

With money at stake I can understand that approach even though I love OS X and want the whole world to use it.

I think people will just stick with their current hardware and software versions (ie. oldish macs with os 9 and quark) as long as they can.

The only thing that might change this is if all the designers of the world switch quicker (as they have less to stop them doing so - less technical issues affect them) then this may force the prepress houses/printers to keep up and keep or gain business.

Let just hope people don't get fed up with all the hassle and just jump ship to PC's.