Umm, no. That's just a general, "no" in repsonse to everything. The first statement:
Originally posted by X-wiZeroS
True, in most new languages, the influence of the Java syntax and structure is quite noticible.
These are all C influenced, not Java. This new D language is almost the exact same syntax as C++.
Changes made to a language is usually based on experience. Hence the newer the language, it's possible, the better it is.
They most certainly are not. A few languages perhaps, but new languages are created for a specific need to complete a project. The same way you would create an API. A person writing a physical system application is going to use a functional language, like LISP/Scheme, or perhaps create their own, like the guys did with Small Talk. Or if they are writing a Cocoa word processor you would probably use a c style language. New languages are created when a group is looking to develope an application and there isn't a language that meets their needs. There may be a couple languages that are close, and then they will put them together.
In the case of Java's developement, it was created because there was a need for a cross platform language, with high portability. There was already C++, but no one had created extensions of it to allow complilers on different OS's to read the code the same. So, Java used, for the most part, a c++ syntax, and added their own primitive functions to allow for portability.
This is one of the reasons I am not really buying into this D programming language right now, it doesn't fill a need at the moment. Here is one of their descriptions for who should use it:
Those who decide the promise of C++ object oriented programming is not fulfilled due to the complexity of it.
I am sorry, but C++ is not THAT complex. Maybe some of the techniques, but not the language. The hardest thing i can think of is memory management, which is still not that hard. Is it really that hard to remember to "delete" and object when you are done with it?
Anyway, this is just my little ranting. Feel free to flame me =)