The Funnies Thing Ever (Maybe)

Doesn't everyone wear a robe and wizard hat at some time or another? Doh! Seriously, that was funny as hell, though the board itself was pretty silly by itself. Love the names and sigs. :)
Really good one! Took me some time and some nerves to get all. But thanks to sherlock translator! :D ;)
Hmm, I read that one with Wellhung & Sweetheart around 5 years ago...still funny as hell, though.

The other ones were new to me. That robe and wizard hat bit got me busting up laughing. :D
"Hey slut, I sent an email to your parents telling them you're a cyberwhore!" To misquote Dave Letterman's favorite scene from the Martha Stewart movie...

Those post are f*cking hilarious, or just hilarious f*cking!
The second post is the funniest thing I've ever seen.

Glasses, Wal-Mart wardrobe, and bewilderment at how to get bras off: all in a cyber session.