The 'great' Offtopic news Pentium 5 and On topic iTunes


1 at the end of the month
2 I have been looking at itunes and asked myself what this is: I have practicaly no recordsales and friends in the musicindustry who are positive about Apple. I don't care I make enough :confused: money without music.
I goto G3 imacosxBook
so the pentium is comming out at the end of the month and the music industry don't like apple?

My friends who are musicians themselves love apple and what they are doing. Most record companies like and use Apple systems in there studios.

Basicly if your in music/film and your not using a mac your a laughed apon or especially if you just bought a pentium/windows/amd what ever based computer and just entered the erena you will find it exceptionally hard to find work and not taken seriously enough.
Don't really get your post tree. Although there is still a lot of scepticism in the record industry about the likes of iTMS (some of it is fair enough, a big shift to downloads will effect the amount of money labels have to put into A&R and promotion. I'm not saying that things are great at the moment, I'm not a fan of the big 5, but on the other hand there has to be a balance. Anyway....), even the more hardcore anti-corporate labels such as Kill Rock Stars are now on board. Everyone, the big labels, indies and most artists, seem to love iTMS as it finally offers a viable alternative to P2P downloads.

I'm not sure if tree was talking about Apple hardware but you're right Quicksilver, Macs are the industry standard for music production, graphic design and publishing, and are also very strong in video and multimedia. Your last comment is maybe a bit simplistic as most major programs such as ProTools and Photoshop are cross-platform but you do have point.
Not yet, but the recordindustry loves me.
Tijdens het academiejaar 2002-2003 worden extra maatregelen noodzakelijk om het downloadgedrag van KotNet gebruikers onder controle te krijgen. Meer specifiek worden populaire filesharing protocols (Kazaa, Gnutella, ...) afgefilterd op de Internet toegang.
tree said:
Not yet, but the recordindustry loves me.
Tijdens het academiejaar 2002-2003 worden extra maatregelen noodzakelijk om het downloadgedrag van KotNet gebruikers onder controle te krijgen. Meer specifiek worden populaire filesharing protocols (Kazaa, Gnutella, ...) afgefilterd op de Internet toegang.
Translated: In the academic year 2002-2003 more measures should be taken to control the the download behaviour of KotNet users. More specific the most popular filesharing protocols (Kazaa, Gnutella, ...) wil be blocked by filtering the Internet connections.

Tree, you really should try to post in english ;)
It helps me more that people listen to my music.
Panther makes me think about "The Jungle Book" with Shérokahn the tiger.
Not yet and I will take notice.
If you have any music besides what's listed in your signature, I'll gladly give it a listen.
Quicksilver said:
so the pentium is comming out at the end of the month and the music industry don't like apple?

My friends who are musicians themselves love apple and what they are doing. Most record companies like and use Apple systems in there studios.

Basicly if your in music/film and your not using a mac your a laughed apon or especially if you just bought a pentium/windows/amd what ever based computer and just entered the erena you will find it exceptionally hard to find work and not taken seriously enough.

I went to a Radiohead show in August - awesome show... there where several Powerbooks and iBooks on stage that could easily be seen by their distinctive glowing white Apples. I believe they were being used to play samples during certain songs. Thom York (lead singer) approached and used the machine nearest him several times during the concert. I've also seen Macs at Phish and Pink Floyd shows in the sound board areas. Curly MC (Michael Cretu) of Enigma is said to generate all of his music on Macs... the list goes on. - john.