The Help Menu


Is anyone else a little pissed with apple's help program? All the files seem to be located online. And when you have dial up that really sucks. Everytime i need help i have to dial up to the internet to read a two setance solution then disconnect.

Can't i just have all the help files on my computer?

Ah, I'm glad that menu is gone :)
Too bad for those with dial-up connections, though, the internet right now is just too primitive. I find it unbelieveable that people still are using modem connections ;)
it's all about price vs how much you use it. i only use my dial up to check email and surf a little. for downloads i go to work. and you cant beat $10 a month for unlimited dial up. if something faster was $20 or less i'd go for it.
Originally posted by twister
it's all about price vs how much you use it. i only use my dial up to check email and surf a little. for downloads i go to work. and you cant beat $10 a month for unlimited dial up. if something faster was $20 or less i'd go for it.

Exactly, DSL is waaay too expensive, compared to e.g. fibre optic broadband. Hehe, in most other countries than USA the payment is per use, not per month. It was like a new world when I got ADSL, still I think it's too slow for my needs ;)
It's so weird that a resonablily fast DSL line costs about twice as much than a 10 Mbit broadband line, where it's available...