The King of Mac Mice


-edited, deleted-
Ah forget it. I'm sick of getting my posts moved around without any explanations. I can tell when my posts aren't wanted. Fine. Whatever. I thought it qualified as "news worthy[sic] information about the Mac platform". How does posting about a cool new mouse that's out for the Mac qualify better under "Having a hardware issue? If it hooks to your Mac, or includes your Mac, post your question and help others here." I wasn't having any "issues", didn't have any questions and wasn't try to help anybody resolve any issues or questions.

Maybe some more clarification about why some posts aren't worthy of being in some forums and why it's so essential that borderline posts be thrown to what the moderators deem to be the "correct" forums? Maybe now that I've changed the subject in this post it could be deleted or moved to site discussion or something. Whatever. :rolleyes: