The Latest from Coursey - answering questions about compatibility with pc's


mac shaman
click here to read this week's installment in DaveCoursey's switch to a Mac for a month saga. He answers some readers questions about just how good is the mac and can they use it to survive in the real world.

not only a good article, but some intelligent feedback among the ones i randomly read as well.:)
It's like a posterchild article about the needs/fears/barriers a convert might have in mind. It's a really helpful article without the usual clichés, which are either

1) helplessly glorifying the Mac

2) helplessly bashing the Mac.

It's truly a good article, and when he's done with his project, this might turn into a really great PDF that should be shared in all the world, Apple should put it up on their own page about converting to the Mac or at least link to the articles.

One thing he does wrong is to tell people they might start with OS 9 and switch to OS X later. (He only does that for a particular reason somewhere.) This is bad, because this further alienises converts. Put them directly to OS X. The apps are there by now, even if you still might have to use one or two of them in Classic.

This is especially important, because the Mac's big appeal for Windows and UN*X users alike is now Mac OS X. Not only the good look, but the power and the interface. For Win/UN*X users Mac OS X is *exactly* what it's not for OS 9 users: The perfect GUI, they've been longing for.
Yes, he seems to offer the case for both sides very well, especially in Q3, where he advises that certain people would be happier with the mac and others should get a PC.
Not many of the fanatics are that honest.
BTW, I mentioned to someone yesterday that I use a mac. He laughed out loud, and said "Don't you know anything? PCs are better!"
I told him that I had built a couple-dozen PCs. I told him that I had programmed them in six languages under every version of windows as well as Linux. I told him that I was no stranger to the PC world, but that after six months with my trusty little iBook it would take a lot to bring me back.
"But Macs are utter crap!" he insisted.
"Have you ever used one?"
"Err, no, of course not."
"Do you know anyone who uses a Mac?"
"Err, I don't think so."
"Then I suppose it would be foolish to say you know anything about them."
yea, it's one thing to not know and not care about mac, another to knock it cause somebody else told you to. where do they come from?

I liked one reply that i read on one of these kinds of stories recently that compared macs to BMW's and mac users as people who are willing to spend more to get the best. and so people who can't afford them get an attitude against them. makes some sense on some levels.

but really, who would have thought ZDnet would be the one putting out this kind of press for the mac? They make so much money off the pc world!!
These have been a nice string of articles and a very interesting experiment on his part...

The best part of these articles though is the talk back sections...LOL...I get laugh upon laugh reading these things
now click here for the followup synopsis of the talkback from the original Coursey article. It even includes the id of the person who wrote the original letter.:)