The Missing iPhoto


Hi Mac Lovers! I've never owned a mac before, but I now own a 500 Mhz G3 iMac (the cute colorful one) running OS X 10.3.9. When I bought it off eBay several months ago, it had 10.1.3, which I soon found is unacceptable. Back to eBay in hopes of finding the OS for less than I paid for the computer (unlikely), I found Panther for $40. What a steal!To my surprise, when it arrived, I discovered that I had bought Panther in the form of 2 “G4 iBook Software Install and Restore” CDs. OK, I thought, as long as it installs properly, I'm a happy camper. So I did Archive and Install, not Clean Install! The OS installed without a hitch. But when I tried installing CD 2, Installer “unexpectedly quit.” I opened each package separately. iCal installed. Stuffit installed. And I thought for sure iPhoto did, but it must not have, because when I thought to look for it a few weeks later, it was GONE. Now I had never had iPhoto with 10.1, but I didn't have iCal either, and it installed fine. Oh yeah, iTunes wouldn't install either. But I didn't care- iTunes is free. iPhoto costs about as much as I paid for the Mac!. I've tried again and again to install iPhoto, but, as with iTunes, it tries to install an UPGRADE and fails because obviously, I have no older version for it to build upon. I'm bothered for two reasons - for one, I want iPhoto! But more importantly, I am worried. What happens if The iMac decides to crash? What parts of my OS will successfully reinstall from the “restore” discs? And why are they even called “restore discs” if they don't install the whole program, only the upgrade? Where's the previous version supposed to come from if my hard drive's wiped out? If they were meant to install over an older OS, I would understand. But they're my restore discs! So my question is twofold: how can I get iPhoto off the disc, and should I trust those discs for backup or not?Please reply - even an “I have no idea” would help.
From memory...

Normally the install discs that are delivered with the iMac are the, so to speak, "version zero discs", of software such as iLife. However, I cannot remember if iLife was bundled in with 10.1.x. - and this may explain your issue.

Also with the 10.3.9 and G3 you may need to install a rather "oldish" iPhoto.
Thanks for the feedback. I got no discs for 10.1, so everything there was what came on my computer, and iPhoto was not there. The only thing I need iPhoto for is to work in iMovie - I can't use photos unless I have an iPhoto library, and I don't. Is there any way I can trick it into believing that I have iPhoto so I can make my dramatic slideshows with the Ken Burns effect and so on?