The Movie Review Thread


Postmaster General
i am creating this thread to have a place where people can post reviews of movies they have either seen in theaters, rented or own.

Ill start with one i have recentely rented, Gangs of New York[/i} First i am a huge fan of Martin Scorcese so i was expecting a lot out of this film. I found that for the most part it was an excellent film, the story was historical and interesting, the settings and character dress was excellent and overall the performances were good, (Daniel Day Lewis was simply amazing). I did have a few problems with the film, it was a little too long and dragged on for a bit, also i just don't like Leonardo DiCaprio, even though he wasnt terrible. Other than that this was a great movie, a little gory at times, but still a great film.:eek: :D

i give it :):):):)/5
btw no Mac's in the movie;)
I just watched the Matrix Reloaded today for the second time. Quite an excellent film. :):):):):p/5. (That's 4.5/5.)
Reloaded gets 10/5 :p from me because it creates tons of questions about the Matrix instead of explaining more about it :D

I cannot wait for Revolutions! :)