The party...


What are some of your all time favorite songs? I'm looking to throw a party soon and i want some really hit songs to listen to. So post your list here!!!
What kinda party anyways?
You don't want any advice from me - trust me! I'm stuck somewhere in the 80s to Mid-90s! heh :D
yeah, it all depends on the type of party, I'd suggest you ask inline guy though, he seems to be the master of dance music :)
Ha ha ha... Love Shack! ha ha ha...

Yeah, depending on what kinda party you are throwing...

More information please...
I guess it's a basic teen hang out and play PlayStation all day while eating free pizza and soda party. Just a large group of friends and their friends and maybe some of their friends inside a small apartment and jamming. :)

And btw: love shack is already the first one on my list. :D