The Star Wars (Kid) Saga...


Colonel Panic
In a nutshell: A Canadian boy named Ghyslain borrowed his school's camcorder for a project of some kind. He used it to record himself sparring with the empty air using what appears to be a home-made staff. He returned the camcorder but failed to remove (or erase) this recording.

Classmates discovered the tape and then posted it on the internet.

Now he is known the world around as "Star Wars Kid". Not sure why his sparring was interpreted as a SW homage - perhaps his garb reminded some people of Jedi robes, perhaps he was making saber noises (personally, I have only seen his clip at work - and with the sound down).

A petition is circulating to get Ghyslain a part in SW Ep III. The boy's family are suing the classmates who put the video on the internet. And at, a collection was taken up to buy & send a gift to the mortified boy -- a new iPod!

Read about him:

See the clip & sign the petition:
I was just like him at that age, and did the same kind of thing all the time (albeit off camera).

Dreamers aren't losers.
> Dreamers aren't losers

No no, certainly not! By no means did I intend to denigrate the Kid; I too flailed about endlessly with toy lightsabers (and when younger still, spent hours bounding around my backyard wearing a cape, trying to fly).

I'm not sure how's gesture was received, but I surely thought their hearts were in the right place sending the iPod. On the other hand, I have no idea if appearing in Ep III would be something he'd like or not...

I bring up the story here largely out of sympathy; nobody can give Ghyslain his anonymity back, but we can at least empathize and express support.
I think he's got to decide how he wants to be remembered, and take what he has and turn it into that somehow. It's unfortuneate that he didnt ask for any of this responsibilty, but who knows, it could be the key to people listening to him someday when he wants to be listened to. Maybe someday, some girl gonna love him for being the kid in that video. He just doesnt realize it yet.

Anybody remember Eileen Fleiss? What did she do with her time in the light?
LOL, he almost slipped...

*Crash* And there goes the camera.

The Matrix Kid is hella funny.

I don't suppose it's up to these standards, though, is it?