Conpiracies are sellin like hotcakes in that part of the world right now.
Yes, they were a very succesfull USA export, now all the midle-east is quite sure that the USA have weapons of mass distruction and are quite hostile towards them. The same warm feelings that the US had towards them.
"Iraq supports Al-quaida" No proof. Quite the contrary instead.
"Iraq has WMD" Not one was found or used up to now.
"Iraq is a threat to national security" Huh? By doing what? By making people walk over a mosaic of Bush SR.? Dealing in Euro's?
"Iraq is a destabilizing factor in the region" Yeah well, there is not much to destabilize in the first place. The most destabilizing factor in the region are probably the US or Israel.
Who is a victim of conspiracy theories here?
Yeah, they're free to hate the modern civilized world if they think that's an intelliegent path, why not?
They don't hate the modern civilized world, they are part of it. They hate those who brought death and destruction. The US is not the incarnation of modern civilization and the middle-east is not in the middle ages. Iraq was the most secularized and modern arabic country. Bombing it to the stone age was a barbaric act. No respect for culture was shown. No protection was given to the cultural heritage of Iraq. The western world has its roots in the mesopotamic civilizations, whose cities lie in Iraq today: Ur, Niniveh and Uruk. E.g. Moses came from Ur. Just because you can bomb it, you think that you can brush it away and it doesn't matter?
You make a desert and call it peace. You conquer and call it liberation. You are governed by money and call it democracy.
If this is "modern civilization" I revile it and renounce it. Instead of taming man, civilization simply gives him more excuses for behaving like a beast.