This might be limited to germany.
The company a work for recently won a pitch for a web portal. One of the other companies who took part in that pitch was Frog. They had to cancel their offer due to "financial problems". Sure, this doesn't mean that they are bankrupt, as you say, every webcompany at the moment has problems. It's only that some time later I heard that frog might not see the next year.
Please only take this as a rumour! It's not more. Anyhow, it doesn't matter at all, if you ask me, they did a fine job with the new windows logo and the media player skin. I don't really like the overall look of XP. Also, the skin is not my taste, I am more for that "noble" white apple design. But if you read what their goal was, they achieved it 100% IMHO. I didn't want to badmouth Frog here, they do good stuff, I really like their work. I hope that such companies survive the current situation on the web...I mean, just a few months ago, the market leader in Germany - Kabel New Media - closed it's doors, and the other big webdesign company here - Pixelpark - fires 60% of their employees till the end of the year and SAP - you might know them
- also said that they are looking to fire the weakest emlpoyees. The market is not very good at the moment, even the big ones have to suffer...regardless of how good they are.