Things that should work in OS X, but don't


Video Gamer/Collector
Things that should work in OS X, but don't:

1.) Window Zooming
Ok. Now, do a test for me. Open a folder. Switch to List view. Press the green Zoom button. It resizes Perfectly to the size of the contents. Now, switch to Icon view. Press zoom. For best results make the icons auto arrange. Notice what happens? The icons shift to the next row. Know why? Because for some reason OS X's Finder is resizing the width to a few pixels too narrow causing the icons to wrap to the next line. I have prayed with each version of OS X that they'd fix this.

2.) Alert Dialogs that actually Alert you
Notice most of the time the "Alert" dialogs that pop up don't make a sound? How freaking annoying this can get when you're like me and can't type without looking at your fingers. The dialog pops up and you lkeep typing another 5 pages only to find out they did not get typed because the alert message cut you off.

3.) Non Obtrusive Dialogs
Remember the big Hoo Ha Apple put out about those new Yellow dialogs that would pop up when the OS wanted your attention but did not want to get in the way. Well.. WHERE ARE THEY IN OS X? They forgot to put them in, that's where. I remember when IE would show one of these when a site changed. Now when this happens it's a normal dialog which is REALLY annoying when I am typing and a dialog pops up without me knowing because of number 2 above.

Add your own. These are "Features" of the Mac OS that should work, but Apple just hasn't gotten around to implimenting/fixing them. This isn't a Wish List.
1) Yeah, that window zooming problem has me annoyed to.

2) The other HUGE complaint I have is that often windows don't retain their preferences. I often set windows to the global window preference setting which is auto-arrange and medium sized icons, but a lot of the time, they reset to icons all over the place and I have to put them back again.

3) Default window preferences should be global, not some default for the individual window. This would help a LOT.

4) Stickies database loss problem! I've had this happen about 5-10 times already, where the Stickies database just gets reset for some reason, and so I've stopped using Stickies now.

5) And no complaint would be complete without RANTING about no SSL support in! :p
Originally posted by simX

4) Stickies database loss problem! I've had this happen about 5-10 times already, where the Stickies database just gets reset for some reason, and so I've stopped using Stickies now.

Yup. Me too.