things to do before re-install...?


as my system has become more and more sluggish, and it seems like diskscpace has just disappeared i've been wanting to do a clean install of the os for a while. now i finally have my new iPod to back up to, so tonight's the night i guess..
but i have a couple of issues i'm not quite sure how to gi about;

#1: i would like to keep my network settings, are theese located in some plist i could keep and just copy into my "new" system..?

#2: same goes for my safari bookmarks and mail settings - are theese plist-issues at all, or what should i do to get them back to as they are right now..?

where are theese located?

#3: i've got some programs i would like to just back-up instead of downloading again afterwards - will it do with keeping the .app-file? will the programs generate the rest of the files themselves as i launch them for the first time in "new system"??

#4: any more issues i should see to before doing the re-install?

and btw - i'm running jag, so i guess the clean installl will bring me back to "native" jaguar, without all the later updates. whats the best way to get all the updates again? software update?

all answers, hints and tips appreciated!

yep, but part of the reason for doing this is that i want to clean up my home-directory. when i first started this machine i ws completely new to os x and obviously did some things "windows-style".. later i found out os x had its own solutions, but by then it was too late to go back. hence i started working around all the things i did wrong(f.ex. changing iTunes directory etc..). and i have theese kinda workaround for every major app it seems, so i want to get a clean install to start fresh.

also i would like to choose what to install etc to be able to save som discspace.. i dont need os 9 for instance.

archive and install are for thesese reasons not an option.

Safari is easy: just make a back-up of the safari-folder located in the library folder that is located in your home-folder.

in home folder/ lobrary / prefernces there arethree files named and and

maybe those are the ones that ou need to backup. i dont know. try removing one of them, log out, log in again, and see if all you internet configurations are gone :)