Thinking of Selling my B&W


Hey everyone,

I'm thinking of selling my trusty B&W. I currently have an iBook 800, and it's really enough for daily use (Though I like having a second computer.) It's the holidays, and I've been going through my finances and stuff, and the money would really help for buying presents and removing debt (just bought a Canon A60 digicam, I reccomend it for a cheap and powerful cam, but that's a different post). Also, it seems that all the appliances in my house decided to die at the same time, and my family's been slightly scrapped for cash. My parents paid for my car insurance while i'm in school, but i'd like to give them some of it back. So it makes sense for me to sell it.

My question is, what's a good asking price? Here are the specs.

G4 400 (CPU Upgrade by XLR8, I believe)
512 MB RAM
I'd throw in my 4X LaCie USB Burner with it too
OS 9 and X.3 Installed (Clean installs, i'd remove all of my stuff)
Adaptech SCSI Controller (Currently not being used)
ATI Rage 128 32 MB Video Card
No Modem
Ethernet Card
Original KB/Mouse

I think that's it.

Thanks for ur help.

You'd have th best luck Ebaying that. Based on your specs, I'm guessing you could get somewhere in the $300-$400 range. Put a reserve on it so it doesn't get yanked out from under you and put it up for 10 days so tons of people get a chance to see it.

Just my thoughts

I'd give you at least $600 for that if I were in the market. My iMac was $300 used a year ago. (Wow, it's been a year already! And it only just got online... :rolleyes:)