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what should be done?

  • bighairydog is stealing the luck of others, and should be shot

  • bighairydog should be banned for life

  • don't care

  • I'd like to take this oppertunity to air my intense dislike of Microsoft

Results are only viewable after voting.


tail-wagging member
     At this juncture, I feel I must point out that Adobe has given me a free powerbook G4, seemingly out of the kindenss of their hearts (I think I entered my email in a box a couple of months ago)...
     Whilst this is utterly unconnected with the things we are supposed to be discussing in this forum, admit it - if you won one you'd be boasting too...

have a nice day, I know I will

Bernie :o)
I think bighairydog should time-share his prize amongst his dear friends here at

I'll get the first year :-)
Sorry guys and girls, I think my new acquisition might be a social recluse...

have a nice ASCII big hairy dog instead...

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I hope this consoles you... ;o)

Bernie :o)
Woo Hoo way to go bighairydog!

The only question who screwed up at Adobe? they gave something away!

powerbook dang! I would be truely jealous but I won my imac, can't be too choosey...
    Ok, you guys worked it out- of course it wasn't totally free, I had to sign a contract promising to firebomb the macromedia legal dept ;o)

Bernie :o)