This is pretty amazing

It survived 0 to -10 celcius? Pffff... someone send me an iPod and I'll give it some serious -20 to -30 snow sports testing :o
Yeah someone send me one too, and I'll test it out at work in the -40C windchill. Well, maybe not this year, but last year I could have. :D
Some of the modern batteries are getting much better. Besides, if it is in your jacket then it is going to be a reasonable temperature.

I carry a MV400i camcorder on me on the mountains. Last time I went it was -25 celsius and not only did I not notice any degradation in the battery drain, but the LCD still worked (!!!). That amazed me. However when the sun was out it was not useful.

I need to get an iPod now, but after my iMac (not sure that they work up the mountain).
