This Jag is a dog!


OS 10.1 ran beautifully on my B&W G3. Hardly ever a problem. Jaguar didn't grab me immediately but a few weeks ago I finally decided to take the plunge.

I have had an increasing frequency of nagging problems ever since. The first to arrive was a refusal to wake from sleep. Rare at first, now it's almost a given. Recently I've had applications freeze on start-up, especially Entourage. Copying files from one drive to another is now almost sure to bring the perpetual beachball. If I had a dollar for every restart this last week I could almost buy a new iMac.

I thought my problem might be Themechanger so I got rid of it. No improvement. Safari is the only other app I've added.

Running Norton Disk Doctor fixes a few problems but don't affect whatever is amiss.

Whats goin' on???
Problem #1. You use Norton. Don't. It's evil.

Problem #2. Sounds like you used an "Upgrade" installation. Don't. That's only a good choice if you've... Wait, it's never a good choice.

Do a full, fresh clean install (but use the option that lets you keep your user folders and preferences, that doesn't affect stability unless you've muxed up your preferences) and then jaguar will run great for you. You're going to love it... It's a great upgrade from 10.1.
Yes. A fresh install, even an Archive and Install works great.

I literally do not notice any slowdown in the UI at all since Jaguar.
Yes, that has certainly made a difference. I don't know how I ever would have picked that up from Apple's documentation.
Norton is some of the worst software you can possibly install on OS X. On 10.1 I had it installed and it caused my box to kernel panic whenever i tried empty my trashcan when it had a file larger the around 100M in it. Took me awhile to track that one down, since then the CD has been collecting dust never to see the light of day again.

I'll take your suggestions to heart, but my problems began before the Norton CD ever hit the tray.

Thanks everyone!