This proves your love for Apple...

Hit the "Edit" button and you can fix it yourself! :p

And then after you've rendered that second post extraneous you can delete that one too.

-the valrus
And while you're in there, you can fix the that's (to That'd), and addition (to edition). ;)

Really, Valrus, I am surprised you didn't catch this... :)

By the way, earector, I'm teasing valrus -- not you.
What are you talking about, nkuvu? Correct his grammar? I don't even know him! What kind of jerk do you think I am? :p

Okay, so I just wasn't paying attention. Lucky thing you didn't make a mistake, though, because I would have brought the hammer down. I mean it. :D

-the valrus
I don't think you're a jerk at all, Valrus. Honestly.

I just think you're very.... sensitive to the grammar needs of others. :D

[Edit: Make this sound less like I am being sarcastic :eek:]
Uhm...a friend of mine has two working Apple Is. He even built the case for them. He also has a working Lisa. Maybe I should send him that link...

UPDATE: He has ONE working Apple I (just phoned him) with a broken keyboard interface (apparently an extra logic board). But he confirms that this thing works...he doesn't want to sell it (allthough he considered putting it on eBay)