This site strange in OmniWeb ???


I prefer to browse in Omniweb becuse of the sheer beauty of the way it displays pages, but tonight this site seems to be acting strange. I keep getting errors saying I don't have permission to view this page. Explorer seems to work fine, but I just hate having to use it.

Is it just me?
I think its just you, although for some reason I can't post to the faq archive. Perhaps the move to from has messed up some permissions.

I too can't stand exploder or netscrap. I was a die hard netscape fan, but omniweb under osx is SO nice!
I WANT to use OmniWeb as much as I can.... but unfortunately it's too slow. WHEN IS THE OMNIGROUP GOING TO MAKE IT FAST? Sheesh. I don't care about compatibility right now. If it was only fast I would use it most of the time, even if I had to go into IE or Nutscrape for the occassional incompatible web page.

Get your priorities straight, OmniGroup!
I've used OmniWeb since Rhapsody DR 2 on Intel (! that was the time when I mainly used PCs and just had a small PowerMac for page layout !) and must say that it's always been a good but basic browser.

According to their roadmap (you'll find it in their mailing list archive by searching for 'roadmap' and 'ken' & 'case') speed is - along with a completely new rendering engine which will also fully support CSS1/2 - one big goal for OmniWeb 5. Development of 4.1 is in beta, there'll be a public beta very soon. It's a nice browser and you can still take an interest in their mailing list. Tell them a killer feature that you'd want the browser to have and they'll take it in for the 5.0 tree if it's possible. Let's make it the best browser on all OSs so wintel-people envy us. :)