TiBook *groans*


Well, I'm 'Borrowing without permissing* my dad's TiBook because I can't sleep and I'm too lazy to carry my whole iMac to my room, so I picked up this computer instead :p

But anyway, the keyboard SUCKS! Man, why couldn't Apple have put the speakers at the front of the keyboard, rather than the side, and made the keyboard bigger! I keep hitting the wrong buttons, especially caps lock instead of 'A'!

It's very unlike me to critasise an Apple product, but MAN this keyboard sucks! It almost makes me think twice about wanting to by an iBook if it's keyboard is the same!

Even my sister's Toshiba has a nicer keyboard.

OK, I'll admit that it would be more of a getting used to it thing, seeing as I've been using the Pro keyboard on my iMac all day, but still ;)

Ooh, also, if the iBook, and TiBook share the same keyboard size, is it possible to put the black keyboard from the TiBook into the iBook? Because I reckon that could look SO kick-@$$! The black on the white!

But yes, I'm tired and that explains why this post is so long AND POINTLESS.

OH, and I apologise for critising an Apple product!
yeah, every keyboard is different. Funny, though... most PC users who try out my PowerBook's keyboard love it... especially since it is so quiet, yet still feels snappy... and I have no problem switching between my Apple Pro keyboard and the TiBooks keyboard without making typos... but I suppose I'm just flexible that way...
More about keyboards...

I personally like 1000 times more of this old Apple's USB Keyboard than this newer Apple Pro Keyboard. The newer is so clumsy, big, and... and not good at all. The older USB keyboard is small, handy, compact and it has starting button! Much better.

I use this USB keyboard with TI-PowerBook. Real handy! And Logitech mouse with powerbook. Very handy!!

Still i like also the powerbook's own keyboard. It is nice too..
I have an iBook, and one my favorite feature is it's keyboard! It is by far the best keyboard on any laptop I've ever used (okay, IBM ThinkPad's keyboard comes VERY close)! I like the fact it's so quiet but responsive.

In contrast, I hate Apple's desktop keyboards... They just feel so fragile and uncomfortable... I don't feel is that responsive at all. What I really miss is the ADB Apple Professional / Extended Keyboard, the one with a large power button on the top right corner. THAT was the best keyboard EVER!

Incidentally, the NeXT workstations had amazing keyboards too...

I haven't had much experience with the TiBook keyboard, but I do have an iBook. At first it took some getting used to. I think the big reason is that it lays flat. Desktop keyboards are usually slanted upward a bit.

The alphabet keys on the iBook keyboard are exactly the same size as those on a standard keyboard. I measured them to be sure.

I really like the iBook keyboard now.