Tiger on PowerBook G4 1.25GHz 512RAM


Hi peeps,

Just wondering what other PowerBook users have experienced performance wise with there PowerBooks and Tiger.

I have a PowerBook G4 1.25GHz and 512RAM (upgrading to 1GB+ soon...)

Is it quicker?
Does it lag, if so where?

From what I have heard by now it is going to be faster on tiger. The speed bump from panther to tiger was higher for G4s than for G5s.
I love it on my Powerbook. I've got a 1.33 GHz Powerbook 12", and Tiger runs smoothly on it. After enabling Quartz 2D Extreme, scrolling in Safari is the smoothest I've ever seen. Even on Java Applet/Flash intensive pages!

The speed is well worth the upgrade, IMHO.
I just read about it. I wonder if the radeon 9000 with 64mb is still supported by Quartz 2D Extreme. Read: minimum geforce FX5200 or ati 9600
You can test it. Just install the Developer Tools and look at Quartz Debug's menus. There you can enable it and test it (don't quit Quartz Debug while testing - or force quit it, else your choice is reverted and Q2DE turned off again).
hehe, right now I am searching for more reasons to upgrade to tiger. ;) It might have been another good reason to take this step.
owaters said:
Just wondering what other PowerBook users have experienced performance wise with there PowerBooks and Tiger.

I have a PowerBook G4 1.25GHz and 512RAM (upgrading to 1GB+ soon...)

I have noticed Tiger running Safari, Camino, repair disk, and repair permissions slightly faster. And, my iBook starts up faster--which hardly matters since I rarely shut it down. I used to have pageouts/pageins of 1% or so doing light tasks. I have none now on the same sorts of tasks--a pretty much immaterial difference though. I don't think speed is a reason to upgrade to Tiger, but I am glad I have tiger. It has some nice features--the highly touted ones.
Much, much faster on my PB.

All apps are faster, and general day to day stuff. I also noticed Disk Utility much faster for repairing permissions too.
The Ghost said:
And, my iBook starts up faster--which hardly matters since I rarely shut it down.

Here is something rather nice to see... my Pismo which is the new bottom-end supported by Tiger, boots from the initial blue screen to usable desktop (as in, one app I clicked on the dock when it appeared has launched and is usable) in 15 seconds. 15! It used to take at least a minute to get to that point in Panther. Not too shabby.