Tiger & Sonnet ATA Compatibility?


I just installed Tiger on my G4 quicksilver dual 867. The machine has three (the max) additional hard drives, and two of these (western digital 120GB) are powered by the Sonnet Tempo ATA100. Since I installed the new OS, the two drives running off the card do not show up on the desktop or in the system profiler. The card doesn't show up in the system profiler either. From what I've gathered, it's not a firmware issue. I've pulled out the card and put it back it, wiggled it to make sure it's not loose etc.

I feel like I've detected vague rumors of Sonnet/Tiger compatibility issues. . . but I have no idea what to do. I have data on those two drives that I need, and while the G4 is now a secondary machine (I'm a film and video editor), I would like to be able to use those drives! Any ideas?
i've got a sonnet tempo trio and have never had any issues with it from os 8.6 to 10.2.8 in a ppc 7500 with a 40gig drive. moved it and drive to a ppc 8600 running 9.2.2 & 10.2.8, then from there to a g4/466 plus a new 60 gig drive, up to os 10.4.7 and replacing the drives with one 300gig. if i were you, i'd boot back into os 9 if you can, and check the firmware version of the card, and make sure its up to date. or if you have another pci mac, plug it in and make sure that the card is good. you may just be lucky enough to have had the card die on its own at the same time you upgraded your os.