Tiger's Video Bar (no Longhorns or greenhorns)


Marvelous Da Vinci
Staff member
Welcome to the Tiger's Video Bar.

A short drink is offered, free video http://www.apple.com/quicktime/qtv/wwdc04/ and off course wireless hot spot.

Welcome to the next generation.

For writer who do not need photocopiers. Free BMW waiting for you at the door.

Welcome to you who prefer OS-X to s.x.
So, watch Steve on the video, and comment what you see, what you like, what you dislike...

For my part, I loooove Dashboard !
I like the iTunes videoclip. Very well done. He also used that partly at the EUTunes announcement.
I think I like SmartFolders and Automator best. Pretty good combo, IMHO. Viewing data grouped by your own criteria and without moving or copying the files is very useful.

Oh, and: Speculation! Can you imagine Keynote 2.0 with all the cool CoreImage & CoreVideo effects? :D
Smart folder and all the new search architecture is really great... It'll change the way I organize my machine!

Keynote 2 ? Why not. I've never used Keynote 1, so I don't know.
chevy said:
Smart folder and all the new search architecture is really great... It'll change the way I organize my machine!

Keynote 2 ? Why not. I've never used Keynote 1, so I don't know.

Grrr, my DSL is too slow to stream the clip. I get about a split second of sound every 10 seconds and even a lower frame rate :(
The iTunes video is now online. I really like it. :) It would be nice if Apple would also post the Keynote presentation as a file. I think that whoever writes Steve's speeches and makes his presentations is very very good (I'm not saying he's not doing it himself, but I am sure he doesn't do it entirely on his own). They are minimalistic in design yet extremely communicative. The message is clear without being loud. Very elegant. "Stille Größe und nobele Einfalt" comes to mind ... (let's see who catches the quote... :D ;) )
Is it just me, or does it seem like Steve had a cold or something like that? He was clearing his throat and drinking his water more than usual.

Or maybe he just practiced what he was going to say too much before hand. :D
i still think it is amazing that he is able to do 45 minutes of presentation all by him self and not stumble

(the rest of the time is used up by other people)