Time Machine on USB attached to another MAC


Hi Everyone,
I was wondering if doing the following is possible, and if so how.
I have a Mac Mini, which has attached to it a 750G Maxtor hard drive via USB. I've partitioned that drive. One partition has random stuff on it. One partition is for Time Machine.
I now have a new MBP, and want to back it up regularly using Time Machine.
All my machines are networked so i can mount any drive on any machine.
Is it possible to use that Time M partition as explained above, without having to disconnect it from the Mac Mini and connecting it into my MBP?

Thanks for the help and responses in advance.
Not that I know of without buying hardware. If your router has a USB port on it, or if you have another way of making the drive into Network Attached Storage (NAS), I believe there is an unsupported (by Apple) way to use your drive this way.

I Googled "NAS Time Machine" and found people complaining about problems trying this with 10.5 Leopard. I don't know if it works any better in 10.6

We have a set up in the shop with Leopard Server running our backups for about 5 or different machines. I don't know of any way of doing it without Leopard Server unless Time Capsule has a capability like that?