Time Machine to Tiger server drive?


I have a Tiger server in my home that I use for mail/web... serving. I also have a Leopard PowerMac G4 that I use for various things including a file server for media and I have a couple of external HDs attached to this PowerMac that I use as Time Machine backup drives, one for this mac and another for the families iMac (via a network share).

Is there any way to use Tiger server to serve up my Time Machine backups?

I've tried moving them to the Tiger server intact and mounting them on the machines I want to backup but TM does not recognize these drives as TM capable. The drives still have the .com.apple.timemachine.capable file (or what ever it's called) in the root directory. It seems that there is something in Leopard that is needed to serve a TM external drive that is not in Tiger.

Has anyone been able to do this?
